Mechanical material characterization, in particular determination of characteristic values for fiber-reinforced plastics, plastics, metals, wood, foams etc.
Possible tests according to different standards
- Tensile tests
- Print tests
- Shear tests (inner laminar and interlaminar)
- Bending tests (3-point, 4-point and mixed mode)
- CAI (Compression After Impact) tests
- Notch compression and tensile tests (OHT, OHC, FHT, FHC)
- Strength testing on joined specimens (bonded, bolted, riveted, welded, etc.)
- all tests can be realized at low or elevated temperatures
- Determination of static, cyclic and strain-rate-dependent characteristic values possible
- Zwick S250 SE
- CNC Fräse Datron M75
Test force: max. 2N to 250 kN
crosshead speed: 0.00005 – 600 mm/min
crosshead return speed: max. 1000 mm/min
travel resolution of the drive: 0.192273 nm
test temperatures: -80 to +250 °C
hydraulic and screwed test fixtures
high-precision strain measurement by means of displacement transducer MakroXtens HP
high-precision 3-axis CNC machining center
machining area: 520 mm x 650 mm x 240 mm
precise production of test specimens for material characterization