Prototyp der Plattform


From the foundation of the company until today

From the foundation of the company until today – the most important milestones in the history of CG Rail GmbH at a glance:

May 2015


CG Rail GmbH is founded as a spin-off of the TU Dresden.

August 2015

First order

Signing of the first order for the development of a new type of metro train in carbon intensive lightweight construction (CETROVO).

June 2016

First large CFRP component

Completion of a first large CFRP component for the prototype of a lightweight front cabin (CETROVO).

Prototyp Frontkabine CETROVO
January 2017

First prototype

Completion of a first large CFRP component for the prototype of a lightweight front cabin (CETROVO).

March 2017


The first prototype of the lightweight bogie frame in innovative CFRP differential design has been completed (CETROVO).

Erster Prototyp Leichtbau Drehgestellrahmen
November 2017

Pultrusion system

Commissioning of the company’s own pultrusion plant.

Pultrusionsmaschine der CG Rail GmbH
January 2018

Successful conclusion

Successful completion of the test under static and cyclic load in accordance with EN 13749 on the CFRP bogie frame (CETROVO).

Drehgestellrahmen auf dem Prüfstand
March 2018

First car body

Assembly of the first car body in carbonintensive lightweight construction (CETROVO).

Rohbau Wagenkasten CETROVO
September 2018


Presentation of the world’s first train in carbonintensive lightweight design (CETROVO) at InnoTrans Berlin, the world’s leading trade fair for rail and transport technology.

September 2020

Another location

Move to a separate site for (thermo-)mechanical material characterization and prototype assembly in Dresden.

October 2020


Award for CG Rail GmbH for the lightweight bogie frame in CFRP differential design with the European “ERCI Innovation Award 2020” of the European Railway Cluster Initiative.

October 2020

CFRP front cabin exhibition

Display of the CFRP front cabin in the permanent exhibition “Rail Transport” of the Dresden Transport Museum as an exhibit for the “Train of the Future”.

Mockup Frontkabine CETROVO
July 2022


CG Rail GmbH receives the “SET4FUTURE Innovation Award” for an innovative lightweight CFRP rail vehicle roof structure (pantograph platform of a high-speed train).

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